Stock Market Ticker For Website - Getting Historical Data
To get Historical Data from Yahoo Finance, we can use certain parameters in Query String. Check out following query string for NASDAQ (i.e. Symbol "^IXIC");^IXIC&a=01&b=5&c=1971&d=01&e=8&f=2011&g=m&ignore=.csvIf we analyze above link we can see some parameters varying from a to g. We can use these parameters to filter HISTORICAL data as per our requirement. Each of above parameter (i.e. from a to g) indicates following things
- s - Ticker symbol.(This parameter is not optional; other parameters are optional)
- a - Month number, starting with 0 for January.
- b - Day number, eg, 1 for the first of the month.
- c - Year.
End date for historical prices (default is the most current available closing price): - d - Month number, starting with 0 for January.
- e - Day number, eg, 1 for the first of the month.
- f - Year.
- g - Possible values are 'd' for daily (the default), 'w' for weekly, and 'm' for monthly.
We can download csv file and modify its URL run time as per our requirements.